Thursday, January 21, 2010

Top 10 Secrets Of Having A Coach

Top 10 Secrets Of Having A Coach Revealed

By Michael Griffiths

• You’ll learn where the power comes from
• How to use the power in your own life
• How to become more successful in life or business
• Limit your mistakes
• Become more effective and influential
• How To Take it to the next level!

There are over 100 things that you can work on with your Personal / Professional Coach, but here are the top 10.

1. You will set far better goals that motivate you in a healthy way.
Did you do goal setting 101 in high school? Probably not. Enter the Coach, an expert in helping you to identify and set goals that you really want, not the ones that are “shoulds” pipedreams, that you’ve been recycling or that mirror the goals of your parents, society or Madison Avenue. Choosing the right goals for you is an art and the Coach takes the necessary time to help you clarify your personal values, so that you have something really solid on which to develop your goals. Value-based goals are naturally motivating, but it takes good coaching to get to these.

2. You’ll accomplish goals and tasks and projects much more quickly.
One of the reasons that people hire a coach is to save themselves time. Working with a coach, they learn how to be far more effective, efficient and productive in everything that they do, including their job / business or personal projects. We humans just aren’t naturally effective, even if we think we are. The coach has the tools and techniques to share with their clients so that things get done in half the time.

3. You’ll make fewer mistakes in your business life or in your personal life.
The old model of learning from your mistakes has deteriorated to be more like; how else will you learn if you don’t make mistakes? Too expensive, in our view. With a coach, you have a third eye, someone who’s been there and who has worked with others in your situation, and an expert in getting the job done with minimum of fuss. The costs (emotional, financial, time) of making mistakes has gotten very expensive in the past decade. A single mistake can ruin you in today’s hyper-paced business environment. Some clients use their coach as an inexperience insurance policy.

4. You’ll move up to the next level of your professional and personal life.
Almost everybody is moving up the ladder of business success, personal development, awareness and emotional balance. The coach can help you see where you are right now and point out ways to grow and get where you want to get to. Or, if you’re not even on the ladder, the coach can guide you to it and help you get started on your path.

5. You’ll reduce the number of problems you have and better resolve the problems that are left.
The first step in solving a problem is to ask yourself why you have this problem at all. The second step is to ask yourself why you have this problem at all. The second step is to ask yourself why you have problems at all. The third step is to get on track to having no problems – aka, becoming a Problem Free Zone (PFZ). This is not a joke. Being a PFZ is becoming even more important along the path of sustainable success. You cannot afford to have problems, period. Life’s too short and problems are too expensive. A well trained coach can help you become a PFZ.

6. You’ll likely make more money in your career, profession or business.
Clients don’t keep paying their coaches just for the fun of it. Coaching, like every other professional service, needs to improve the financial bottom line and it does. Coaches are trained to help clients to leverage their ability to make money, i.e. getting a raise, choosing a better career, starting a business, improving profitability, adding more value to their customers, proper pricing, productivity and others. Sure, coaching is personal, but it almost always includes a strong financial aspect.

7. You’ll be a lot happier and this happiness will last.
Coaches know how to help you to reduce stress, integrate all aspects of your life, simplify or downshift, and reorient around what makes you the happiest. What good is increased productivity and profitability if you’re not happy?

8. You’ll be much more effective and influential with others; family, business and personal relationships.
Communication makes life life. A coach is an expert communicator and trains clients on how to come across better, relate well others, listen aggressively, influence, coach, motivate and support others. There are over 100 communication and listening skills that clients can learn from a coach.

9. You’ll become much more attractive to others – on the inside and on the outside.
Selling, as a profession and as a proven technique / process is on its way out. Why? Because humans are getting better at choosing for themselves and buying better. Humans will always respond less to advertising and selling techniques and instead be drawn to product or service and they will be more likely drawn because of who is offering the product or service. This process is called attraction. It’s real. It works. And it will replace much of the promotion, marketing, selling, seducing and other very expensive budget items. Remember, the world (aka customers) is rapidly eliminating virtually all waste and inefficiencies in how business is conducted, products are sold and how services are delivered. Selling and mass marketing, while certainly still very effective right now, is on the hit list. Attraction is the next generation of selling and the well trained coach can help you and your business get on this track immediately.

10. You’ll have a better life, not just a better lifestyle.
The term quality of life has become overused in the past few years, but the trend of all of us seeking to create a much better life for themselves is accelerating. In fact, people are re-examining what they had assumed that a good life was (married, 2.3 kids, nice car, secure job, 3 weeks vacation a year) and are now creating their own life, often breaking the rules and flying in the face of conventional wisdom in the process. Coaches understand the Life design process and have already made many of the design changes in their own life that their clients are just now beginning to make.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

A Little Mistake That Cost $100,000 A Year.

A Little Mistake That Cost $100,000 A Year - Don’t Fall Into The Same Trap!
By Michael Griffiths

What an amazing time December is, summer begins, the days are longer with sunlight, the hot days turn into mild nights, people are out and about having fun letting down their hair after a hard year with Christmas parties, lunches and dinners while catching up with old friends.

In business December, if not November, becomes a very important time. In fact without this time you and your business would not continue past March or April the following year without it becoming a struggle.

I was reading over the weekend that small to medium business owners that fail to set up their goals, plans and outcomes for the following year make $100,000 less than those that do spend the time, set goals, make Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) and know the direction they should be heading.

I’ve always believed that any small to medium business needs to do nothing other than FOLLOW WHAT THE BIG DOGS DO! Take a look at what the corporate sector does, how do they set goals, how do they plan, how do they market, how do they network, how do they sell, how do they follow up; I think you get the picture. The only difference between a corporate big dog and everyone else is they have more employees and bigger budgets, BUT they can all teach us some valuable lessons to follow and model.

The majority of people have heard the saying “Failing To Plan is Planning to Fail” however all the words in the world are fine until YOU TAKE ACTION. We are now half way through December, do you have a 2010 dairy, wall planner, do you have a plan for January and February, if not for the first six months or even better the whole year. Have you set out some KPI’s to measure your business by, to measure the direction you are heading. Do you have a 5yr, 3yr and 1 yr plan in place? Can you break that down into a 90/60/30 day plan and even further do you know your weekly and daily activities to make it happen for you.

Goal setting and planning is all about knowing what you need to be focused on over that period of time. Through many sources we have learnt that “What we focus on is what we get, to the exclusion of everything else.”

Does this start to make some sense on how you could be missing out on an extra $100,000 in 2010? If your plans and goals aren’t in place then how do you know what to focus on, who are you marketing to, who are you selling to, who do you need to speak to, who are you building relationships with, how many clients can you be working with at any given time? Planning and setting goals allows the answers to all of those questions.

A great friend of mine even goes a step further with his business; he and his wife go away on a 5 day planning retreat. Now, I don’t think they plan for the whole 5 days; however they put aside TIME EVERY year time to reflect, monitor and adjust from the previous year and set out their plans, goals, outcome, KPI’s for the following year. This then allows them to focus on what they need to be successful.

So what are you going to do for the rest of December, Planning to Succeed or Planning to Fail?

I realise that you might have all the right intentions in the world BUT just don’t know where to start.

We’ll here’s what I’m going to do. Send me an email at with the subject heading ‘Goal Template Help’ and I will send to you the templates that I use with my business clients.

Remember - Keep Dreaming
Michael Griffiths

Monday, December 7, 2009

Welcome to the 'Business Leader' Blog, this is our newest of the two blogs. Our first blog "The Power Within" has a wide range of information on self development, personal growth and an interesting outlook on people throughout life. This blog the 'Business Leader' will focus more on helpful business ideas, tips and removing the frustrations of your business life.

Hope You Enjoy

Michael Griffiths

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The 14 Biggest Frustrations For Business Owners

Business today has so much to worry about and in such an uncertain world it can be very hard to stay on top of everything yourself. We've made a list below of what seem to be the biggest frustrations for business owners in 2009.

The 14 Biggest Frustrations For Business Owners Are;

1. Working too hard and not making enough money

2. Working under too much stress

3. Spending too much time IN my business and NOT ON my business

4. Lack of direction

5. Not enough customers

6. Not enough prospects to sell to

7. Poor sales skills

8. Chronic cash flow problems

9. Not enough money put aside for retirement

10. Chronic staffing issues

11. Inability to get good staff

12. Re-work problems (having to do the job again that you paid for)

13. Poor productivity by your staff, teams and self

14. Competition from other businesses.